
Here are some of the projects I'd like to share
logoYoutube Quiz Generator App

A fullstack app that geneartes quiz questions for a vtt file or a youtube video

logoYoutube Chat

A CLI app build with Typer in Python that serves data related to Youtube Chat.

logoURL Shortener

A full-stack URL shortener built with Flask and SQLAlchemy for a robust and scalable server, Next.js for a modern and interactive user interface, and Postgres for reliable data storage. Showcases skills in full-stack development, modern frameworks, and clean architecture.


A CLI app build with Typer in Python that serves data related to NEPSE. The data is fetched from multiple websites.


An unofficial API for data from Nepal Oil Corporation

logoHyperce Main

Main Website for the company

logoGaruda Agency

Main Website for the job recruitment solutions.

logoInvey Survey Platform

A survey platform for the company.

logoSaru's Archival

Saru's Archival is a website that showcases work by Saru.


A survey platform for the company.

I am currently building new projects and learning backend development to expand my skill set beyond frontend.

Visit my github to see some of the latest projects Github